For the purposes of mutual support and fellowship the churches of the Synod are grouped into seven areas.
Ministers from each area report to the Ministry Development Committee which keeps an overview of what is happening in each area. The Committee oversees the deployment of ministry, whilst the Missional Discipleship Development Committee gathers people together for support and training events through different Synod Officers with responsibilities for the development of Training, Mission Development and the development of Discipleship .
Go to our Synod Organisational Diagram on 'The Synod' page
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Ministers from each area report to the Ministry Development Committee which keeps an overview of what is happening in each area. The Committee oversees the deployment of ministry, whilst the Missional Discipleship Development Committee gathers people together for support and training events through different Synod Officers with responsibilities for the development of Training, Mission Development and the development of Discipleship .
Go to our Synod Organisational Diagram on 'The Synod' page
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Area Minister: Revd Graham Sweeney [email protected] Birmingham Churches Together Gloucestershire
Herefordshire & Worcestershire
Coventry & Warwickshire
South staffs & black country
Churches Linked Across Staffordshire & the Potteries (CLASP) Black Country Churches Engaged (of which the URC West Midlands Synod is a sponsoring body) Love Black Country Festival (Evangelical Alliance Members) north & MID staffs